Monday, January 16, 2012

Taking off your Shoes

I had always heard that people in the U.S.don't
take off their shoes when they go into their homes.
So,when I went to Chicago last spring,I didn't
take off my shoes at my host family's house.I just
walked in.I was really surprised when my host
father asked me to take off my shoes!In their
home,everyone takes off their shoes when they
enter the house.Some of my classmates said that
their host families also took off their shoes at the
door.Other classmates said that their host families
usually left their shoes on.But,when it was
raining or snowing,they always took them off.
They didn't want to clean the floor afterwards!
It just watch to see what other people do when they
go into a house.If I should take my shoes off.That's
the easiest way-just ask if you're not sure.